Who We Are
Prayer is not a mysterious practice reserved only for clergy and the religiously devout. Prayer is simply communicating with God–listening and talking to him. Believers can pray from the heart, freely, spontaneously, and in their own words. The Bible is clear that God hears and answers prayer. At Southern Software, we firmly believe our success is because of the blessings of God. We give all the glory to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We meet daily at 8:30am for devotions and to pray for these requests. If you have a need, a praise or just wish to share some insight please register or submit your request below.
Psalm 91:15 He will call upon me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him.
- You say, “It’s impossible.” God says, “With me all things are possible”
- You say, “I can’t go on.” He says, “My grace is sufficent for you”
- You say. “I don’t know what to do.” He says, “I will direct you”
- You say, “I can’t do it.” He says, “You can do all things through me”
- You say, “It’s not worth it.” He says, “It will be-just keep going”
- You say, “I am afraid.” He says, “I didn’t give you the spirit of fear, but of power”
- You say, “I can’t handle this.” He says, “Give it to me, I will carry it for you”
- You say, “I am not smart enough.” He says, “I will give you wisdom”
- You say, “I am all alone.” He says “I will never leave or forsake you”