Southern Software's Data Analytics tool allows you to quickly and easily produce visual measurements of your data through pie charts, bar graphs, grids and spreadsheets. The Data Analytics tool supports log-in security ensuring users can only access approved data areas and also provides a single Master name Search that searches across all disciplines and other agencies.- Uses Grids, Pie Charts and bar Graphs
- Master name Search across all disciplines in your and other agencies' data
- Secure Login for entire system
- Scheduled daily reports delivered to email
- Customizable home page per user
- Officer caseload for incidents, arrests, citations, warnings, accidents, criminal papers, civil papers and investigations
- Closed investigations versus open
- Incident types based on date range
- Key performance indicators, or KPI of incident totals by search criteria, YTD incidents of current year, YTD Group A crimes and YTD Group B crimes
- Incident point and heat mapping
- Arrest grids to show current incidents by date range along with previous year for comparison including difference in numbers and percentages
- View number of calls taken by call-taker, the average duration of calls received to be dispatched, and incident type duration from received to dispatched
- Current incidents by date range compared to same time previous year, including differences in numbers and percentages
- Calls received to dispatched, calls received to enroute and calls received to on-scene
- Key performance indicators or KPI of current confinements, confinements 1 day ago, 1 week ago and 1 year ago
- Current confinements by race, sex, adult and juvenile and by age. Also includes top 20 offenses of current confinements and access to current confinements roster.
- Booking and releases by hour of the day and day of the week
- Jail incidents grid with description, offense date and offender
- Day report for a quick view of admits and releases from a set number of previous days